A penchant for journeys and a fascination with strangers

Generating the Personal Essay

Mondays: Jan 6 - Feb 10
6 - 8:30 p.m. EST



The hardest part of writing, often enough, is just getting started. And for those of us who write creative nonfiction, the problem is usually a glut, rather than a lack, of ideas. We essayists can choose to write about exactly everything we’ve ever done, thought, imagined, feared, regretted doing, celebrated not doing, etc. These limitless choices can be paralyzing. And whenever we’re feeling paralyzed, one of the best remedies is to simply reduce our choices. Constrain them. Channel them. 

This six-week course, limited to 16 students, is all about overcoming decision fatigue, getting words on the page, and getting surprised by what we produce.

Through a mix of close-reading, craft talks, guided exercises, and weekly table reads of works-in-progress, we’ll generate reams of new writing, and we'll work together to get that writing ready for publication. This class is geared toward personal essayists ready to generate new content, or fill in gaps for pieces in progress. And while essays of all lengths will be produced, our exercises will focus principally on reading and writing flash nonfiction or short excerpts from longer works, for a few reasons: it’s fun, quick, and easy to read and interpret flash; writing in the short-form allows us to laser-focus on building discrete skills; and packing a punch in a paragraph, micro-essay, or excerpt can lead us to produce work that demonstrates a knack for concision—something that many writers struggle with.

During each class, writers can expect to read some stellar short nonfiction, discuss craft techniques, write to in-class prompts, and share excerpts from their own works-in-progress. 

Over the course of our six weeks together, students can expect to:

  • Read some stellar short nonfiction, discuss craft techniques, write to in-class prompts, and share excerpts from their own works-in-progress

  • Begin a dozen new pieces, and get strengths-based, in-class feedback from their peers and the instructor on a couple of those works 

  • Be held accountable to submit at least one piece for submission (which we will also learn all about)

  • Learn actionable, advanced craft techniques on writing the personal essay, from start to finish

About the Instructor

BRIAN BENSON is the author of Going Somewhere, and co-author of This is Not For You. His essays have been published or are forthcoming in Pithead Chapel, Hippocampus, Reckon Review, Sweet, Bending Genres, and Hunger Mountain, among many other publications, and his work has been featured in several anthologies. He teaches creative nonfiction at the Attic Institute and out of his home, and volunteers with “Write Around Portland.” He is at work on his third book, an essay collection about modern masculinity.


This course will take place on Zoom on Mondays January 6 - February 10 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. EST. Participants will receive a Zoom link prior to the course as well as a recording of the course afterward. We cannot offer refunds once the course has begun. Please email courses@offassignment.com with any questions.

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